Thursday, February 02, 2006

Babysitting vs. being a parent

OK, here it is the pet peeve of the day...

If any of you fathers out there ever refer to taking care of your children as "babysitting" be prepared for the unleashing of Mr. Mom! That's right! Gonna get medieval on your hiney!

Let me explain the difference between babysitting and being a parent.

1. You contributed to the creation of your own children whereas a child you are babysitting belongs to someone else.
2. Your wife does not consider it babysitting when she cares for the children so neither do you have that luxury of downgrading being a parent to mere babysitting.
3. Babysitting is usually coupled with payment in the form of cash or the offer to watch your children another time. Sorry to disappoint you dads out there who believe that you should be compensated for caring for your own children but you may just find yourself on the Dr. Phil show if you insist on compensation.
4. Finally, having provided care while my wife is at work, there are distinct bonding differences between babysitting and caring for your own child. For instance, I don’t believe I ever marveled at every new discovery that a child I was babysitting made nor do I ever remember picking up that child and hugging them close just because.

So fathers of the world beware! If you insist on calling caring for your children “babysitting” you better dang well be sitting on the baby or be prepared for my wrath! (Scared aren’t you?) I love the time I have with my son and I hope I have the opportunity to bond this closely with all of our children.


Rachelle said...

How do you melt my heart everytime? I so love that picture. And I agree! Don't say you are babysitting the kids if you are just being a father!

Andrea said...

Hi Rachelles dh. I was visiting Rachelles blog and she said to post here. lol
You are so right, i've had the talk with my dh a few times when he's asked me if i wanted him to 'babysit' our ds. Love the pic too! so sweet!

emlouisa said...

I hate when husbands say that. Luckily my dh isn't that stupid.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I found this! My ex-son-in-law always sees it as "babysitting". Even now after he insisted on joint custody! I printed this with all the comments too, and will give this to him!
I love being a grandma and spending time with my grandkids while my daughter works! Even I don't see it as babysitting!