Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Harry Potter Blaspheme of the Day

(Sing this to the tune of "All Creatures of Our God and King")

Harry, Hermione and Ron...
This obsession's sick and wrong
Harry Potter, Harry Potter

I check your sites most everyday
Like a train wreck can't look away
Harry Potter, Harry Potter
Harry Potter, I'm addicted to Harry Potter

Pathetic right? I know what can I say? Everyone has to have their drug of choice mine just happens to be a literary figure! Oh well I guess there are worse things of which I could have an addiction. I'm thinking of starting the HPA Harry Potter's Anonymous club to provide a step by step process for reducing the amount of searching for Harry Potter merchandise, book info, movie info, and games to feed the habit.

Hi my name is Mark and I am a Potterholic! (crowd: "Hi Mark!") It's been about 10 seconds since I had my last Potter fix....

Let me know if there are any more Potter junkies like me out there. Come on don't be shy you know who you are!


Rachelle said...

LOL! You have way too much time on your hand my dear. No wonder plants get knocked over by our destruction wonder on knees. ;) I like HP, but you take the cake in obsession. Good thing you are cute and I love you!

Anonymous said...

Everytime I post HP I get like NO comments!

How wonderful to find a fellow addict!

theleakycauldron is my homepage.

nuff said.

Kathy said...

ROFL! priceless!

(and you might want to be carrying some sunscreen or burn treatment with you on your deathbead.) :P

Anonymous said...

I also am a Potterholic. This is great. It's good to know that there are others out there!!!