Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Seven things to do before I die:

Go back and visit Brazil together with my wife

Graduate college! Woo hoo!

Get accompaniment written for my songs and hopefully get them recorded

Publish a book with my wife

Go to Italy (hey if my wife is going I'm dang well going with her!)

Loose enough weight that when I step on a scale it doesn't say "Come back when you are alone"

Make a positive impact on my children's lives

Seven things I cannot do:

Understand or watch Road Rules/Real World Challenge with my wife without poking fun at it

Walk and chew gum at the same time

Blow a bubble with bubblegum

Listen, with interest, to any story that begins with the following phrases: "One day when we was huntin'...", "My car/truck has...", "I watched the (football/basketball/baseball) game last night..."

A cartwheel

Talk as fast as my wife can

Remain silent when someone does or says something really dumb

Seven Things that Attract Me to My Spouse(not necessarily in this order!):

Her strength (she has an incredible, almost unshakeable fortitude)

Her laughter

Her smile

Her quirkiness (I tease her about it constantly but it really is an endearing quality)

Her quick-wittedness (she matches me comeback after comeback)

Her support (before we ever took the step of becoming an eternal companionship she was my best friend and my sole emotional support through many difficult times)

Her love (it is unconditional and complete)

Seven Things I Say Most Often:

Doh! (must use Homer Simpson voice)

Thank you for calling Checker Auto we beat the competitors price by five percent this is Mark I can help you (hate that one)

Son of a... that's gonna leave a mark

Tai Beaux stop it! (our dog)

I love you (both to my wife and my son)

Sweetheart/Sweetie (to my wife of course)


Seven books I love:

Harry Potter 1






And I'm sure I will love seven when it comes out! lol

I also like the Chronicles of Narnia series and The Work and the Glory series

Seven movies I could watch over and over again:

Tommy Boy

Star Wars (just to irritate my wife)


National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (I know, I know I'm a little twisted)

The Mummy


You've Got Mail

The list could go on and on

Seven people I want to join in:





Mohonri Moriacomer

Jack Frost

The Easter Bunny

I don't know enough people who are intelligent enough to Blog isn't that sad?

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